Every Sunday at 10 AM- We have started a Bible study called The Story. Feel free to join at any time! We will not be meeting for Bible study on 3/23.
3/23- Rev. Keith Giblin will visit St. John’s to Perform an Interment of Ashes Ceremony for Rev. John Johnson. The ceremony will immediately follow our 11AM service and Holy Communion. All are welcome.
We will be celebrating Easter with the community and there will be details announced as soon as possible!
We believe God knows our every prayer before we pray it, but we also know the power of prayer. Prayer is foundational to our common life, and we pray every day, for those in need, those who are sick or suffering, for the church, the nation and the world. We also pray every day for those living in our neighborhood. How can we pray for you? prayer@stjohnssilsbee.com or 409-385-4371.
Jesus asked, "Who was the man's neighbor?" We want to answer that question, "We are the neighbor." Whether you live next door, across town or across the globe, we understand ourselves to be neighbors, and we seek to live up to the pledge we make in our baptismal covenant to seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves. It's how we understand our identity as Christians. We welcome you to join us in this holy work.
As the Episcopal Church in Hardin County, we seek to be a resource to the community, supporting the good work of other community organizations, being the neighbor to all in Silsbee, Lumberton and across Hardin County, and opening our doors to the community.
1305 Roosevelt Dr, Silsbee, Texas 77656, United States
Monday - Friday, 9AM-12PM