We offer this method of giving to support the mission and ministry of St. John's Church and our partners in ministry in Silsbee, Lumberton and across Hardin County. If you would like to designate your giving to a specific purpose (for example, as a memorial, to sponsor flowers or some other specified purpose) we ask that you utilize the "write a note" feature on the PayPal page to specify that purpose.
The ministry of St. John's in Silsbee for 65 years has been possible only through the stewardship and generosity of the faithful people of St. John's and our friends in the community. If you would like information about how your legacy gift might support the ongoing ministry of St. John's in Silsbee and across Hardin County, please contact us.
Memorial gifts to St. John's are a particularly appropriate way to honor the memory of a loved one. Memorials or endowments can also be established through wills and bequests as a result of estate planning. Gifts can be designated to a specific purpose or left undesignated. If you would like to discuss memorial giving, please contact us here.
Sponsoring altar flowers is a beautiful way to honor loved ones marking special life events such as birthdays, wedding anniversaries, baptism, confirmation, memory of a loved one, or a thanksgiving for life’s blessings. The cost for sponsoring altar flowers is $35 per family/individual. If you would like to sponsor flowers, contact the Flower Guild here.